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Over this past quarter I've learned a lot about multimedia communication and the various mediums that you can combine to create works of art. First off, this course taught me about the different software programs and websites out there to create multimedia art, such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and KnightLab. I've always wanted to learn more about graphic design and the skills that I've learned in this course have better equipped me to do so. While I only had a few weeks working with each software, I now have the foundation to explore and practice more in my free time. One of the things I learned is that creating multimedia projects is truly difficult and it takes a lot of effort. While some things may come naturally, this is a skill that won't be perfected after a 10 week course.


From working on these projects I learned about the importance of having reasoning behind design choices. It's also crucial that you have a focused audience in mind or else it's easy to get distracted or waver from a project's goal. I enjoyed having some structure with the projects, but also loved the freedom to explore and create graphics that matched my personal interests. This motivated me to learn and expand my knowledge even more. All in all, these projects have allowed me to dip my feet in the waters of multimedia communication and I'm excited to learn more about it.

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